Our Approach

The Meryhew Law Group, A Professional Limited Liability Corporation

State and Federal Criminal Defense — Seattle, Washington

We are committed to a client-centered approach to our advocacy that gives our clients an experience of justice. Justice isn’t just a result. It is an experience that goes much deeper — one that can change your life either for the better or for the worse. It means being heard by your lawyer, who can then make sure the Prosecutor, the Court and the Jury hear you too. The criminal defense lawyer you choose determines what kind of experience you have and can affect your entire future. If you are being investigated or have been arrested for a sex crime or domestic violence we will take the time to advocate for you and to make sure you understand the process, the law, and the options available to you.

Experienced Attorney, a Team Approach

At The Meryhew Law Group we believe that a team approach achieves the best results. Your case team will be lead by an attorney with proven experience and a track record of successfully defending these cases. This team may include forensic scientists, psychologists, experts in childhood memory and interviewing, sexual deviancy evaluators, domestic violence evaluators and licensed private investigators.

A Thorough Investigation – A Thorough Witness Interview

A knowledgeable and detailed investigation of your case is critical to your defense. We are different from many attorney who use investigators to conduct key witness interviews. It is critical that the witnesses in these cases be appropriately and thoroughly interviewed. At The Meryhew Law Group we do much of this work ourselves. Our attorney is skilled interviewers who know how to conduct these difficult and emotional interviews. We do not shy away from this important task, and we are trained to do it very well.

Occasionally we will use a private investigator, and when we do we use only licensed investigators with years of experience working on sex offenses. Our investigators leave no stone unturned in their efforts to develop your defense. Be certain that your case is investigated by an experienced and licensed private investigator if you hope for success.

We Take the Time to Get to Know You and Your Needs

We believe that getting to know our clients and understanding their situation is critical to effectively defending our clients. People charged with a crime need to have their story told with passion and determination. We take the opportunity to talk with our clients at length about what’s happened, what is happening, and about what’s likely to happen in the future. We also believe that our client’s family, friends and support system should be involved when that is helpful to the client. We are happy to take the time to explain things to our clients and to the people they rely on for support.

The criminal defense lawyers of The Meryhew Law Group, PLLC represent clients in the Seattle area and throughout the State of Washington.

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