Defending Adults Accused of Sex Offenses

Seattle Sex Crime Defense Lawyers

There are few things that can affect your life as much as being accused of a sex crime. Just the fact you have been accused sets a series of events, emotions and worries in motion until sometimes you wonder if it will ever stop. The ugly truth is that “word” of an arrest or allegation gets around fast. It’s also true that the vast majority of people – your family, friends, neighbors, acquaintances and business associates included – will look at you differently and will treat you differently because of it whether the allegations prove to be true or not. Contrary to what police may tell you initially, there are a number of defenses against sex crime allegations.

The simple truth is this: Whether you are innocent or guilty, strong advocacy and knowledgeable advice are two things you cannot afford to do without. Contact us.

Defending Against False Allegations of a Sex Crime

You are now in the fight of your life. A fight that is complicated and a fight with rules that often favor the other side. Just because you are innocent does not guarantee you won’t go to prison. We have the skills to understand and develop the reasons people are falsely accused and to explain those to the prosecutor, the court and the jury. In cases involving allegations of rape, we consult psychologists and ask that the alleged victim submit to a psychological evaluation. We look for evidence of depression, drug or alcohol abuse, and a pattern of vindictive behavior that has resulted in similar charges in the past. When evidence is involved, we ask an independent lab to conduct tests on available evidence while exposing the mishandling of evidence on the part of law enforcement.

Defending Against Admission of Fault of a Sex Crime

Often our clients have done bad things and they are willing to admit those mistakes. The law provides for treatment alternatives to a long prison sentence in some cases. In other cases we can help our clients get appropriate treatment and expert recommendations. There are many ways for an attorney to use a confession or admission to help their client. If you have already admitted your mistake do not think all is lost. If you were abused as a child, suffer from depression, or are taking psychotropic prescription medication, the court may reduce your sentence if it believes your actions stem from underlying problems that do not make you a general threat to others. We can help. Call us today.

Contact a Seattle Sex Crime Defense Attorney Today!

At The Meryhew Law Group, our lawyers represent people from throughout the State of Washington who have been charged with crimes ranging from child sex abuse and the Internet solicitation of minors, to sexual assault and failing to register as a sex offender. What all sex offense charges have in common with one another is the severity of their consequences and the complexity of their defense. These difficult cases demand experienced and aggressive counsel.

The consequences can include:

Lengthy prison terms – Washington’s sentencing guidelines for sex-related crimes are harsh. Many sex offense crimes make you eligible for a life sentence. Judges do not like to be seen as soft on crime and prosecutors will spare no effort trying to convict you.

Infamy and shame – Sex offender registration is mandatory for anyone convicted of a sex crime. You will not only have to register with local authorities wherever you go but can also expect to have your photograph and information about your conviction published, either in print or online, wherever you happen to live.

Limited Options for Life – Where you live, the kinds of jobs you can have, and other freedoms normally taken for granted can all be severely limited as a condition of your release. If not, prospective lenders, landlords and employers are likely to limit them for you anyway.

Also see:

Client Testimonial

“Smart; professional; and ethical, Brad is an excellent source of information and resources. He showed genuine concern for our family. Brad’s advice and counsel at the free initial meeting was priceless. He even helped us locate appropriate counseling. “

CD, Satisfied Client, Seattle, Washington

Client Reviews

Just so you all know this man is a GOD sent and has my complete blessing and gratitude. [Brad] is one of the most honest and forthright human beings that I have ever met...and he saved my life.


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