Child Molestation

Child Molestation Charges in Washington

Research has shown children – especially toddlers – are highly suggestible. In child molestation cases, investigators and child specialists have to be extremely careful to walk a thin line between learning “what happened” and “suggesting what happened.” Medical professionals can disagree over whether or not an injury or scar tissue is evidence that sexual molestation occurred.

Seattle Child Molestation Lawyers

Even if an injury is deemed sexual in nature, there may be no way to determine when it occurred and who caused it. At The Meryhew Law Group, our Seattle child molestation defense lawyers consult child psychologists, medical professionals, false memory syndrome experts, and professionals in child interview techniques to defend people accused of child molestation. Our attorney defend daycare workers, pastors, teachers, coaches, and parents accused of child molestation in the Seattle area and the rest of the state of Washington.

Regardless whether you’ve been arrested or are under investigation, we have the experience and expert-witness resources needed to defend you against charges of child molestation. To schedule an appointment, contact a child molestation attorney at The Meryhew Law Group today.

Consequences of Child Molestation Allegations

Child molestation charges can quickly complicate a person’s life if he or she doesn’t have legal representation. Once allegations are made, Child Protective Services will be notified and will remove a child from his or her home – even if the suspected offender is already removed from the home. Bail may be set high, making it difficult or impossible to post bail and get out of jail without taking time off work. If you work with, or around children, you may be forced to take leave with or without pay. If the media learns of the allegations against you, your name and “mug shot” could appear on the news or in the newspaper.

Defending Clients Against Child Molestation Allegations

While every case is different, most child molestation cases depend on what a child claims happened to him or her. In the state of Washington, The Harborview Guide is the standard manual law enforcement officers and examiners use in questioning children. It is supposed to help authorities avoid asking leading questions of children in sex crimes cases. Our molestation lawyers work with experts expose mistakes and leading questions on the part of examiners who claim to follow the Harborview manual.

When medical evidence of molestation is presented, our child molestation attorney consult medical experts in reviewing the articles and books written by the prosecution’s medical expert witnesses. During cross-examination, we point to what the prosecution’s own medical expert witness has written that contradicts the claims he or she is making on the stand. We expose inconsistencies and contradictions that undermine the authority of the prosecution’s expert medical witnesses.

Contact a Seattle Child Molestation Defense Attorney Today!

If you’ve been arrested on charges of child molestation, it’s essential to begin the process of protecting your rights and name. To schedule an appointment to discuss your case, contact The Meryhew Law Group and ask for one of our Seattle child molestation lawyers.

Client Reviews

Just so you all know this man is a GOD sent and has my complete blessing and gratitude. [Brad] is one of the most honest and forthright human beings that I have ever met...and he saved my life.


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