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Sex Crimes Information Center

Non Contact Sex Offenses

A number of sex offenses with very serious consequences do not involve any actual physical contact with a “victim.” At the Meryhew Law Group we see an increasing number of clients charged with offenses after having talking about sex online with a fictitious teenager who turns out to be a Police Detective, as well as a growing number of child pornography related offenses. These so-called “non-contact” sex offenses may seem like no big thing, but in fact law enforcement has made it a priority to go after these individuals.

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Voluntary Sex Offenses

The law makes it a crime to have sexual contact with a minor or a prostitute even if the contact is perfectly consensual. At the Meryhew Law Group we see a growing number of cases involving sexually active minors who can be very aggressive, and deceptive, in their pursuit of sexual contact. The Internet has revolutionized the way teenagers think about and approach sexuality, and those teens, as well as Detectives pretending to be those teens, can be found all over the Internet actively engaged in sexual talk and activities. The Internet has also revolutionized prostitution and the ways that sex workers make contact with their prospective customers. Back Page, Craigslist and a large number of local web sites offer sex for hire services that sometimes lead to Police stings and arrest. Even though the minor or the sex worker has consented to the sexual contact, this still remains a serious crime. Particularly if the prostitute turns out to actually be a minor.

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False Allegations of Child Sexual Abuse

False allegations of child sexual abuse are devastating to the person accused and can have lifelong consequences even when the allegations are not proven. Research has shown that a significant number of these false allegations occur during divorce and custody battles, and also strongly suggests that adults can and do influence children to say things that aren’t true. Defending against allegations that are rooted in coaching, and the creation of false memories, is challenging and complicated.

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The Meryhew Law Group in the Media

One of Brad Meryhew’s cases was dismissed by the Prosecution a week before trial based on the inability of the State to prove the charges. The Prosecutor credited Brad’s interview of the complaining witness as the basis for the dismissal of the charges, saying “Although she gave a very vivid description to her mother and to law enforcement, a few months later, during a defense attorney interview, her recollection was a lot more vague, and some of the finer details were escaping her recollection.”

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Sex Offenses Resource Links

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Client Reviews

Just so you all know this man is a GOD sent and has my complete blessing and gratitude. [Brad] is one of the most honest and forthright human beings that I have ever met...and he saved my life.


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