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Voluntary Sex Offenses

The law makes it a crime to have sexual contact with a minor or a prostitute even if the contact is perfectly voluntary and consensual. The Internet has revolutionized prostitution and the ways that sex workers make contact with their prospective customers. Back Page, Craigslist and a large number of local web sites offer sex for hire services that sometimes lead to Police stings and arrest. Even though the adult or minor sex worker has consented to the sexual contact, this still remains a serious crime. Particularly if the prostitute turns out to actually be a minor.

Prostitution, Juvenile Prostitute and Promoting Prostitution

Patronizing a Prostitute is a Misdemeanor offense in Washington unless the prostitute turns out to be a minor. Patronizing a juvenile prostitute, which is known in Washington as Commercial Sexual Abuse of a Minor, a felony that can lead to a lengthy prison sentence and sex offender registration. Police sting operations are increasingly focused on those who would frequent a juvenile prostitute, and even agreeing to meet a person who says they are underage for an exchange of sex for money can lead to very serious and life changing charges being brought against a person.

When a police sting leads to an arrest for patronizing a Prostitute most of our clients have no prior arrest record and want very badly to keep their arrest private. They are worried about the impact the arrest will have on their family, their spouse and their employment. If you have been caught in one of these stings and face these consequences contact the Meryhew Law Group today to schedule a free initial consultation. We are experienced at handling these sensitive matters in a way that minimizes the risks to our client’s private lives while enabling them to resolve the matter without devastating consequences.

Communicating with Minors for an Immoral Purpose

At the Meryhew Law Group we see a growing number of cases involving sexually active minors who can be very aggressive, and deceptive, in their pursuit of sexual contact. The Internet has revolutionized the way teenagers think about and approach sexuality, and those teens, as well as Detectives pretending to be those teens, can be found all over the Internet actively engaged in sexual talk and activities. Talking online in a sexual way with a person who claims to be a minor is a crime in Washington even if that person turns out to be an adult or a Police Detective. If you have been caught in a sting where an adult Detective is claiming to be a minor online, you need an experienced attorney who can help you defend yourself and resolve the case in a way that does not destroy your life.

Speak To A Criminal Defense Lawyer

Even what you might think of as voluntary sex offenses carry the possibility of long jail and prison sentences and can be life changing. If you are facing charges of a voluntary sex crime, contact The Meryhew Law Group, A Professional Limited Liability Corporation (PLLC) in Seattle, WA, to schedule a free initial consultation with an experienced defense attorney to discuss your legal rights and options.

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Just so you all know this man is a GOD sent and has my complete blessing and gratitude. [Brad] is one of the most honest and forthright human beings that I have ever met...and he saved my life.


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